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found footage films

"Do Not Watch" is a decades-spanning mystery revolving around an unexplained phenomenon known as The Bunker Anomaly.…Read More
Our main character Serkan is a vlogger. While he was doing a YouTube video where he was answering fan questions, a fan named Halit asked strange questions, daring Serkan to go to a house that was haun…Read More
Suganuma was found to be in a state of confusion on the beach. He should have come to the river to bird watch, but he doesn't remember at all how he got to the sea, and he's been suffering from halluc…Read More
The third psychic documentary where psychic phenomena and horror experiences are connected one by one and attacked with a big horror.…Read More
The second psychic documentary, where psychic phenomena and horror experiences are connected one by one, and attacks with a big shiver. Women's shoes left behind on the bridge, which is famous for sui…Read More