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Paranormal Farm Series The Paranormal Farm series is a found footage film series directed by Carl Medland. The films follow paranormal investigator Carl Medland on a remote farm and country house. The…Read More
In this second film of the Paranormal Farm franchise, Carl returns to document the strange occurrences that continue to take place on the farm.…Read More
Five years after an unexplained malfunction causes the death of 15 tour-goers and staff on the opening night of a Halloween haunted house tour, a documentary crew travels back to the scene of the trag…Read More
The 5th installment of the Bad Ben Series, The Crescent Moon Clown, begins with the new owners of the home on vacation and their college-aged daughter home alone. She finds a locked box, opens it, and…Read More
On a mission to bring the Devil to Earth, an escaped demon manipulates a group of friends hanging out on a video-chat. Since this ruthless demon can possess multiple people at once, knowing who to tru…Read More