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found footage movies

"The Last Witch" is a found footage film from Spain that is written and directed by Carlos Almón Muñoz. The film follows three friends shooting a documentary about a woman convicted of witchcraft duri…Read More
"The Faith Community" is a found footage film directed by Faith Johnson and written by Faith Johnson and Robert A. Trezza. The film follows a group of three students who find themselves entangled in a…Read More
"Leaving D.C." is a found footage horror movie directed by, written by, and starring Josh Criss. The film follows a Washington D.C. resident who moves to an isolated house in rural West Virginia, only…Read More
A group of religious students drive into the remote wilderness to spend time with a religious sect and strengthen their bond with God. The three unsuspecting students film everything to document their…Read More
The final film in the Bad Ben Trilogy has a team of Paranormal Investigators return to the Steelmanville Road property to make a documentary about what happened there. The most significant discovery t…Read More
On October 1st, Hell House LLC fans were rewarded for their patience with the release of the Hell House LLC: Director's Cut DVD. This special edition of Hell House LLC is a DVD-only release assembled …Read More
Jacob Fitts, television host and survivalist, with his crew producer Adam Levine and cameraman Mason Riley set out to shoot another episode of their popular survival show, I Am Alone. Episode 413 take…Read More