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found footage movies

A filmmaker investigates his abandoned childhood home Pohjola Manor in Northern Finland. The old house has a sorted history, including stories of ghosts and other paranormal events.…Read More
Found footage film following Karla Marks, who mysteriously vanishes while conducting a paranormal investigation with her husband into the Devil's Well, an underground location reported to be a gateway…Read More
Two first-time filmmakers (Tyler and Sam) document the behind-the-scenes trials and tribulations of producing an independent found footage horror movie. After writing a script, collecting production g…Read More
"Unlisted Owner" is a found footage film directed by Jed Brian and written by Jed Brian and Tyler Landers. The film is presented as a compilation of police video evidence revealing the horrific events…Read More
In October 2013, a group of filmmakers set out to film a horror movie in Mount Nabi located in the Chubu region of Japan. The group of eight filmmakers were later found dead. Many of the investigators…Read More