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found footage films

The third in the series of "Unsolved Case Outflow Evidence Verification Record" (Relics) - that reveals the truth about unsolved cases. An underground tunnel that exists quietly in Tokyo. Children pas…Read More
Follow-up records taken by the missing person to persuade the police. The footage, which police seemed to have forgotten to hire as formal evidence, contained the astonishing footage that the disappea…Read More
The first installment of the "Unsolved Case Spilled Evidence Verification Record "Relics" series that reveals the truth of unsolved cases. A group of evidence of unsolved cases that occurred in Japan …Read More
The riot grrrl movement is back-or maybe it never went away? New-ager and former front-woman of the 90s band Vulveeta, Grrrilda Beausoleil is getting the band back together in time for her 50th birthd…Read More