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by Decade

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Follow a young family's chilling struggle with a malevolent force, weaving its sinister web with unique manifestations to ensnare each member. Explore the heart of Greek darkness through police eviden…Read More
Six bloodcurdling tapes unleash horror in a sci-fi-inspired hellscape, pushing the boundaries of fear and suspense.…Read More
In 1974, President Ford ordered the evacuation of Boston, OH, and conspiracy theories as to why have floated around for years. A former Army Signal Corps member comes forward to shed new light on what…Read More
The story of David, in an effort to save his possessed wife Anna. This is the remaining footage that was painstakingly put together to help tell the story of this horrific night.…Read More
Set in 2009, Trauma Kuntilanak tells the story of four students who are working on a horror documentary as their final assignment. The four students try to work on a story about a strange phenomenon i…Read More
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